Fitness is a whole complex of specially developed exercises and the rules of supply, which is aimed at improving the appearance, namely, of the figure. Fitness reward energy, good health, beauty and excellent physical shape. With their help, you can effectively reduce your weight, improve muscle, to make a beautiful figure, but also to strengthen health. Huge popular group classes and fitness tours.
To date, developed a variety of programs for training, which aimed to address a range of tasks. They solve problems of weight loss, making a figure of some adjustments, increases muscle mass, and also strengthen the same muscles and joints.

It should be noted that fitness for weight loss traditionally brings together completely different kinds of load – among them are exercises for strength and stretching, aerobic and cardio. Drafting a complex of special exercises for fitness happens so that all muscle groups were involved fully.
Why is it important to fitness program
Many ask the logical question: how with the help of fitness you can achieve rapid weight loss and improve muscle tone? To do this: eat right, perform cardio to burn fat cells and exercises the power to form strong and ridged muscles.
All of the above must include in the development of training programs for fitness, so they generally include several parts. In the first place in any such program are cardio. They are represented by Bicycle (as an option – an exercise bike), Jogging, jumping, swimming in the pool or dance elements. Along with the warm-up this part of the program takes about 15-20 minutes. You can then proceed directly to the specific exercises. The best option is to exercise every day individual muscle groups.
Here is an example:
- Monday – exercise for stomach and sides and back;
- Wednesday – glutes, hips and legs;
- Friday – back, shoulders and arms.
Thus, it will be most efficiently worked out all the right muscles, and have enough time to recover for next week.
Today, the Internet is loaded with thousands of videos of individual exercises and all their complexes. Download these lessons to your computer absolutely free. So you will be able to do in their own home without visiting the gym.
The improvement of the shape using the fitness will happen, of course, not for one day. The first obvious result of your efforts will appear in about a month. You partially get rid of fat – the figure will be tightened and will become slender. But body weight has not yet reduced – after all, the weight "melted" fat replace weight increased muscle volume. But after a couple of months we can expect getting rid of the 5-6 extra pounds.
Basic rules
If you've decided to fight overweight and improve their appearance should first ask, how to do fitness. There are a few rules, from which will depend the result.
- The regularity of workouts. If your goal is to lose weight, laziness must become your enemy. Only if you do the exercises regularly, you can get the expected result. If you prefer a separate home occupation, it is advisable to engage with the music – so it will be more fun and more energetic.
- Complexity. It is impossible to concentrate on any one muscle group (even if this is your most problematic area) or to do only cardio load. It is very important to work the whole body in the complex.
- Healthy eating. It consists in the avoiding sweets (in large volumes) from the fatty, harmful food and semi-finished products, limiting yourself in alcoholic drinks and total abstinence from such harmful habits like Smoking. The diet is necessary to make rational and balanced. Enrich it with fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, dairy, fish and meat. Overeating is strictly prohibited.
- Fitness must become a way of life. You can't treat fitness as a 2-month diet. If you have made a choice in his favor, thus you become a supporter of active and healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, sports and Wellness, they will give you will.
The benefits of fitness for health and slimming

The fact that fitness is very useful for figures, you know, probably all. So let us dwell on the fact that it is no less important to better health. As a rule, people don't really think about it until you get the obvious proof of its necessity. For example, a sedentary lifestyle inevitably provokes back pain or recurring headaches.
If you want to maintain your health, you need to watch out for signals that your body gives and take preventive measures. The sooner you start to do it, the better it will be for your body. But fitness in this case is your best companion because:
- Training the back muscles will provide the spine good support, and it means that you forget about the pain and in addition correct posture.
- Physical exercise improves the circulation, so that the body gets much more oxygen. And this, in turn, favorably affects each body and improves overall health.
- Specially designed exercises will give your joints more mobility and will make the blood circulate more actively. The result will be pain in the legs and tingling in the lower extremities.
And, of course, the most important thing – you must always listen to your body and, of course, the advice of experienced fitness coaches, and physicians.
Who should not use fitness
Definitive contraindications to such exercise, unfortunately, are present. Glad that they are not very much. So, fitness is prohibited from engaging in:
- boundary mental conditions, mental disorders and epilepsy;
- lesions of the cardiac muscle of organic nature, past heart attack;
- Oncology;
- complex injuries of the spine;
- traumatic brain injuries, which were recently postponed.
In these cases, the doctor can only allow physical therapy sessions and then individually. Temporarily can not deal with the aggravation of any chronic disease, SARS and even, strange as it may sound, in the absence of sleep.
In addition, there is a list of diseases in which fitness is not completely prohibited. Adjustments to the exercise we will be making:
- With varicose veins. No squats, lunges, jumps. Static electricity is excluded. The pace of executions of the exercise should be moderate. To do them lying or sitting.
- In diseases of the joints. To prevent hopping, power and static loads with more weight.
- Hypertension. It is better to prefer slow-paced yoga and Pilates.
- In the period of pregnancy. Need to attend certain sessions of the course "Fitness for moms". Only with the permission of the gynecologist from 12-th to 38-th week.
The results
For those who want to get in shape with fitness, you need to have perseverance, diligence and patience. Because the result does not appear in a few days. But, as they say, all you're doing, is all yours. Dropped the weight back will not return, and the muscles for a long time will delight you with its tone.

Many experienced people who have had time to try in the difficult struggle with excess weight a variety of diets, finally chose fitness. And for good reason. It is one of the most effective ways. Reviews about it in the most positive and say that if charging is done correctly, then those extra pounds disappear without trace, and in return you get a beautiful and slender body.